Separation Anxiety

“Separation anxiety is a universal phenomenon; indeed, it is such an intimate and familiar emotion that we almost have to make a special effort to realize that it is a concern which accompanies every instant of our everyday lives.” – Jean-Michel Quinodoz

Separation Anxiety is a form of mental health issues. Whether we want to accept it or not we all have or will deal with separation anxiety sometime in our life. The question is how will we manage it? If we pay close attention to our own behavioral patterns, you’ll see that you have experienced separation anxiety. A while back I recall listening to a women explain why she would go from one relationship to the next. She stated that she didn’t like solitude and would always have a new boyfriend. As soon as one relationship ended, she would fill that empty space with a new boyfriend. I thought about men and that made sense why they are always on the prowl. They deal with this issue just like women and had a need to fill the empty void. It takes a lot to learn to live with ourselves or love ourselves , instead we settle for what we assume what makes us happy but, it’s just a disguise. Having experienced separation anxiety I found the struggle was real. I struggled emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually before the realization hit me that I was in denial. I had to take a good look in the mirror and realize I am affirmed by God and loved by many but most importantly loving me came first. Having weathered the storm and came out on top, I encourage you to do the same. No one will ever love you unless you learn to love yourself FIRST. For you cannot receive what you cannot give.

The Unexpected Detour

Frances Hammond is the host of a podcast called “The Unexpected Detour” where she shares her personal journey with breast cancer. In her podcast, she unravels the threads of diagnosis and treatment, and discusses the side effects that are often unspoken. She also invites others to join her quest, to converse about life’s twists, turns, and unrest.

In one episode, she talks about dealing with her breast cancer diagnosis after 6 years of being in remission. She also discusses the concept of “Toxic Positivity”, which is the belief that negative thoughts about anything should be avoided.

Frances Hammond’s podcast is a beacon of courage and a voice that won’t be silenced. She shares her raw tale of facing breast cancer, the adversary she faced with awe.

Bill C Potts Author of Up for the Fight