The Most Powerful Weapon

"Watch your thoughts for they become your words Watch your words for they become actions Watch your actions for they become habits Watch your habits for they become your character Watch your character for it becomes your destiny." Lao Tzu

Words can either heal us or break us.
We use them to build one another up or tear each other down.
The words that we so easily use roll off the tongue attacking from all angles.
They fly here and there, never caring who they will hit and how they'll make a person feel.
We use words to get the things we want in life. We use the tongue to destroy our children's self-esteem. We can speak words that can destroy a person leaving them to feel useless and unwanted. We say things out of anger because the triggers have caused us to lose self-control.
We have all been in that space where our words are used in the most thoughtless ways. Words that can never be retracted because once said they are spoken the damage has been done.
That tongue is the culprit behind those hurtful or kind words.  Before you spoke the thought was already in your mind. Your tongue’s delivery is like a sword that can destroy or soothe a person’s spirit.

James 3:5-6   It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell. MSG Bible

I have been there occasionally and would ask God for directions as I prepare my comeback. That was my process, I would rehearse as though I was giving a stage performance.  I had to make sure that my words were articulated and understood because there was no room for error. At least that’s what I thought, the joke was on me. Those thoughts were there, and my tongue let loose and the things that came out could not be retrieved. No more dress rehearsals from now on I will address situations as they occur and not get caught up my feelings.

Hurt people hurt people and we live in a world where caring is no longer a priory but going out of one’s way to hurt one another with the tongue is and always be the world. We have all harmed so many people, even ourselves, with the words we have spoken and now is the time to STOP. If you don’t think it, you won’t say it.

"Talk with your mind before you talk with your tongue.” Anonymous

The Unexpected Detour

Frances Hammond is the host of a podcast called “The Unexpected Detour” where she shares her personal journey with breast cancer. In her podcast, she unravels the threads of diagnosis and treatment, and discusses the side effects that are often unspoken. She also invites others to join her quest, to converse about life’s twists, turns, and unrest.

In one episode, she talks about dealing with her breast cancer diagnosis after 6 years of being in remission. She also discusses the concept of “Toxic Positivity”, which is the belief that negative thoughts about anything should be avoided.

Frances Hammond’s podcast is a beacon of courage and a voice that won’t be silenced. She shares her raw tale of facing breast cancer, the adversary she faced with awe.

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